Creative Ideas for a Fun Girls’ Night

Creative Ideas for a Fun Girls’ Night

MenoLabs News | Mon, Jan 06, 2020

When you are dealing with symptoms like hot flashes, night sweats, or mood swings every day, a relaxing time is in order. And what can be more relaxing than spending a day in the company of your closest friends doing something fun? Of course date nights with your loved ones are important, but it’s always good to set aside some time to hang out with your girls. But if you think you are out of things to do, do not worry – we’ve got you covered. Here are some creative ideas for a girls’ night.

Out of ideas how to spend a girls night? Check these out.
Out of ideas how to spend a girls' night? Check these out.

Make Homemade Snacks

If you enjoy cooking, invite your friends over to make some homemade snacks, have a bake off, or cook some pizza. Then, everyone can bake their favorite desserts and share them over a cup of tea or a glass of wine. Or grab some ready pizza dough from your local grocery store, then choose your favorite pizza toppings to make your own from scratch. For that, here are some easy pizza ideas. This is a great chance to bond with your friends as you try each other’s favorite flavors. It is also a lot of fun. Also, if you all like baking, you can have a friendly bake-off and even choose a winner for the best dessert.

Binge Watch Netflix

Binge watching Netflix never gets old. And it is much more fun when you do it with your friends, especially while having some homemade snacks, desserts, or pizza you have cooked together. Pick your favorite rom-com or a scary movie, or spend all night watching one episode after another of “Friends” or “How I Met Your Mother.” If you want to have dinner beforehand, talk to your friends about having a potluck, surely they will be up for it. And if you are looking for some ideas of what to watch, here is a whole list of binge worthy shows.

Be Crafty at Girls’ Night

DIY crafts are more fun to do with someone, especially with your close friends. For a creative girls’ night, how about being crafty? For example, look up fun ideas for crafts you have wanted to try. Add to that some fun music and cocktails and be crafty. You can also make scrapbooks with photographs from your time together. This would also make a nice and thoughtful gift for a friend. Or grab some watercolor paints and canvas and have a friendly painting contest. If you like painting, you can also buy and color pottery or design your own t-shirts using textile paint. You can find a lot of creative ideas for crafts on Pinterest.

Try arts and crafts at girls' night
Try arts and crafts at girls' night

Watch YouTube Tutorials

How about watching some YouTube tutorials to get ideas for going out? You can try doing each other’s make up and try new hairstyles while having a fun time. Grab some glasses of wine and play some good music while you are experimenting. These fun activities will make you feel younger and bond with your friend, both of which are very important for women in menopause. For example, quite easy and worth trying are “get ready with me” tutorials like this one by Chloe Boucher or these hair & make up ideas from Dominique Sachse. You can also take pictures of each other and post them on social media to show off your fabulous looks.

Have a DIY Spa Girls’ Night

A day at the spa is a real treat to yourself and a good chance to bond with your girlfriends. But instead of spending your savings on expensive treatments, what if you bring the spa to your home? You do not even need to buy beauty products. Instead, you can make a lot of spa treatments for your face, feet, and body at home with ingredients from your kitchen. If you have not seen yet our DIY spa day ideas, check them out, because you might find some easy, creative and exciting ideas to try out. Prepare some homemade face scrubs, enjoy aromatic foot soaks, and grab your favorite nail polishes and some sheet face masks. Also, burn some incense or diffuse essential oils to turn your living space into a DIY spa room.

Have a Karaoke Girls' Night

Feel free to go out for a karaoke night if you wish, but you can also have a more casual party by arranging karaoke at home. You can simply put some DVDs or YouTube videos on your TV and have fun. Wine and snacks prepared ahead of time will come in handy. Singing your favorite songs together really makes you feel closer to each other. It is also a great activity to help you release stress and relax after a long work week. Have fun!

How about going to karaoke on your next night out with the girls?
How about going to karaoke on your next night out with the girls?

Try Fortune Telling

Have you ever had someone tell you about your future? Trying out some mystic activities with your friends sounds like fun past time. Of course, neither of you are psychics, but you can have some fun trying to read tarot cards, or google tips on palm reading, or read each other’s daily and weekly horoscopes. Whatever the case, you can all laugh together if you end up getting everything wrong, and you can have even more fun when you get something right. It is all about bonding after all.

Throw a Pajama Party

Pajamas parties are old but gold. Feel younger together with your friends by having a sleepover. And not just a sleepover, but a complete set with gossip, face masks, and a movie night. Have everyone bring their favorite beauty products to share and make yourselves comfortable on the couch or lay blankets on the floor. Nothing is as relaxing as simply talking with your friends about things that take your mind off stress and your menopause symptoms. Just make sure to send your husband and children to your in-laws for the night so you girls can have some fun.

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